The Last Ginger

The Last Ginger
414 Pages

In a world where her hair color brands her as different, how can Alexandra ever hope to fit in? When she's married off to a Congressor, she hopes people will learn to overlook this glaring difference. Instead, she can't help but live up to her hair's fiery hue.

Christina Kann

About Christina Kann (Richmond, Virginia Author)

Christina Kann

When asked about themselves, people often start with something like: “I’m an ODU grad with a BA in English linguistics; I’m from Virginia; I like cats.”

That’s boring and not revealing. I’m happiness and sadness, running and falling. I’m vegetables and cake. I’m a tumult of words that I cannot put into words. I’m apathy, ecstasy, sympathy, and a little self-pity.

I’m a bit Harry Potter, more like Percy Jackson. I think in terms of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, although I wish I was more Divergent. (And I do read genres beside sci-fi and fantasy.)

I’m beach-scene posters and paintings that are incredible or embarrassing. I’m bad teeth and good hair and cleaning products and nice pens. I’m borderline asthma and astigmatism and a couch potato and an adrenaline junkie.

I have voices inside my head and I wish they were only the voices of my characters, but what I didn’t realize until this year is that the book speaks too.

I’m a writer with extensive experience in research papers, novels, articles, and blogs. While earning my English degree at ODU I wrote several full-length novels and am currently seeking representation for “Aloft,” a YA fantasy about elemental magic and the end of the world.

I’m interested in anything to do with books, writing and literature, because words are as powerful as magic.