Shaking The Family Tree – A Journey From Addiction To Recovery.

Shaking The Family Tree
91 Pages
ISBN 9780998 762388

Shaking The Family Tree is an anonymous personal memoir of a recovering alcoholic interlaced with poetic offerings of the ramifications of the disease of alcoholism. Dallas's story is one of coming to terms with what has become her family's unfortunate legacy. Affecting four generations, it continues to threaten yet another.

In her memoir, Dallas focuses on the genetic predisposition for alcoholism, as well as how it affects family relationships. She touches on her own battles with other addictions, including food and co-dependency. Shaking The Family Tree is not a war story, but rather an honest account, minus any embellishments, of wasted years that via recovery, transcended into a life of hope and joy.
Dallas sums it up in this poem: Sobriety Fires the kiln that allows us To mold our own clay

Dallas H

About Dallas H (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Author)

Dallas H

Dallas H is a recovering alcoholic. This year she celebrated 30 years of continuous sobriety. In her personal memoir "Shaking the Family Tree," she touches on her battle with co-dependency and weight, in addition to the genetic predisposition for alcoholism; the single thread that ties it all together.

A poet at heart, Dallas's story is interlaced with poetic offerings related to what she believes is her family's unfortunate legacy. Focusing on the genetic predisposition, her intent in writing the book was to leave her children, and grandchildren something useful: The unvarnished truth about their family's history of addiction and why they too are vulnerable.

As the story unfolded, Dallas was reminded that her story is not unique; that Alcoholism and addiction is a family disease that is shared by multitudes. It is her hope that others, especially those who may not be aware of the genetic predisposition and its ramifications, will be able to relate.

In keeping with the tenets of the twelve step programs, Dallas chose to write the book anonymously. She considers herself to be just another run of the mill alcoholic who refuses to let that define her. In addition to being a recovering alcoholic, she is a proud and loving mother, grandmother, dependable employee, poet and wannabe artist. Her story is one of struggle, surrender and most importantly, hope.

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